Meet my new roommate, Sushi! She is a total bed hog, even at her small size, and rules the house, but she is THE cutest thing under the sun :)
Auntie Diane found a litter of kittens in Obaachan and Ojiichan's back yard, and being the cat lover that she is, became their kitty guardian and spoiled them with Stitch's spare food. There were two orange kittens, a black one, and then a Siamese-mix-runt-of-the-litter, who has become my beloved little fur ball. When we first found Sushi, she had an eye infection and was the smallest and skinniest. Being the runt, she got left behind alone a lot, and at one point, was under the attack of the wild parrots that live in the area! She had no meow, so she couldn't call for her mom, but luckily, guardian Auntie Diane came to the rescue and held her until mama cat came back for her. She was the bravest (and probably the hungriest) because every time we put food out, she was always the first to venture out for some good eats! I love having her and am so glad she has come to be my kitty!

Sushi in the wild! ... and a little sad looking :(
She was only 13 ounces the day I took her home, and oh so tiny!

It's so hard to take pictures of her because she's always so intrigued with the camera and wants to play, but I managed to snap this adorable shot of her.

The days of not being able to meow are officially over.
Stare-down! She loves to perch up on our shoulders, tops of our knees, basically anywhere that's elevated.

Auntie Diane helped me give baby her first bath! We waited until her eye was all healed up before dunking her in the sink. She was so good, she didn't cry or put up a huge fuss, although she doesn't look like she's enjoying her bath all that much! Poor kitty!

Can you believe THIS little thing used to sleep in the bushes?! Talk about rags to riches!

Playing the role of damsel in distress.

ROOMIES! And one of her favorite cuddle spots... up close and personal.

Modeling... looks like she's getting the hang of the teionapapparazzi!
