After a few sun bathing sessions in my back yard, I realized it was time to give it a little bit of a lift :) All the rocks, weeds, and lack of water were making the space a little sad looking, but after a few hours of sweat, elbow grease, and help from the bf, it's looking a lot better!

Auntie Diane got me a tomato plant to start my veggie/herb garden! But before planting it, the tarp and rocks had to go...

Micah getting rid of the tarp and rocks that were on top.

Disposing MORE rocks...

Micah found a not-so-friendly lizard! He thought it was a snake at first because its tail was so long in comparison to the rest of its body! Meanie lizard is now living on the other side of the brick wall :)

Okay, so it looks like Micah is doing all the work, but I promise I helped too! Most of the rocks, weeds, and tarp are all gone!

We mixed Miracle Grow soil in with the native soil to help pump up the nutrients for the new plants.

TA-DA! Veggie/Herb Garden complete with cilantro, basil, raspberries, tomatoes, green bell peppers, jalepenos, zucchini, and carrots (you can't see the carrots, but they're there)! Can't wait until everything is growing, ripening, and ready to eat!

This is the planter you see right when you walk outside to the backyard. Notice the overgrown rose bush (at least that's what we think it was) and the ceramic duck (we found another smaller one hidden behind the rose bush).

Trimming the tree, cutting down the rose bush, and de-weeding.

Micah dug about 2 feet deep to get the rose bush roots out, and found this tropical-esque palm tree plant hiding behind it! We're hoping it'll grow now that it's not completing with another plant.

WA-LA! Here is our attempt at creating a tropical get-away in the backyard. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out!